Guest houses and pool houses were created to offer extra space for guests, shelter pool equipment, washrooms, changing and entertaining. But guest houses and pool houses these days are much more than that. They also give a substantial definition to the main house architecture.
Guest houses come in different shapes and sizes and they can truly bring your home to the next level, they actually can transform an average backyard into a place created for relaxation. Not only guests can enjoy a guest house, the whole family can use it as an extra place to enjoy warm days by the pool or a grassy yard. It’s truly an extension of the main house and should be treated as a place where you take a mini-vacation within a couple of meters from your home.
A guest house should look and feel comfortable and beautiful, to the point that your guests want to spend the night there.
Architecture: Crisp Architects.
This guesthouse is also a garage. The rooms are on the second floor.
A guesthouse with a barn charm.
Stunning details.
To Stay
Isn’t it the ultimate guest house/pool house?
Come On Over
I probably would not need to go anywhere for a vacation with a backyard like this one.
A beautiful view from the main house.
An adorable place to spend many days in the country.
Just add a swing on that porch.
Can you imagine waking up in the morning and opening the French doors and letting the sun come in?
This guesthouse blends so well with its surroundings. It’s simply stunning.
Beautiful architecture.
Your guests might never leave!
The neutral elements are perfect for a guesthouse and the floors are a great choice for a building by a pool.
Guests have their own kitchen. They don’t even need to come inside your house. Perfect solution if you have a nosy mother-in-law. Just kidding!!! 🙂
Oh, the beauty of summer days.
This pool house was kept simple and sweet and it’s not taking anything from the stunning view.
Doesn’t it make you want to buy a house in the countryside and have all this privacy and nature around you?
Tall and majestic.
I love these doors and the sconces. Just beautiful!
This guesthouse comes totally equipped.
Just invite people you really love and have a summer party.
This is probably my favorite guesthouse/pool house!
Take the time to enjoy a nice conversation with a friend.
Just add a fire on chilly nights.
This is what I call perfection: an outdoor shower!
The Place
Private, secured (with the fence, important for kids) and totally dreamy.
Who would you invite to be here with you?
All images via: Crisp Architects
Guesthouses are truly inspiring when they look this good! I’ll spend so much time having fun there if I had one.
Monday, Monday! Here we go again! But the great thing about Mondays is the fact we’re being given a brand new week. I know that sometimes we start our week complaining about having to go back to the same old routine, having to do the same things at home or at work. We have to face so many problems, try to resolve them, try to find solutions for this and that and try to be the best we can to people around us. Yes, we have so much on our back and it feels heavy at times. It’s hard to breath, it’s hard to find reasons to be in a good mood. But what I’m beginning to understand is that our mood only changes if our attitude does.
No one can come to us and transform what’s inside. No one has the power to change our feelings. Only you are able to control the “door” and let good things come in. I’m not saying we control our problems, but the power we all have is how we receive the problems and how we try to find the solutions.
I’m wishing you a path that brings you health, peace and harmony.
Have a Blessed week.
Luciane at
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