Home Bunch - Interior Design Ideas


Beach houses are special independently of style. Living by the sea, or at least vacationing by it is what really makes the place to be more special. Have that said, a pretty house like this one and a location like Malibu, can make everything look even more appealing.

As you usually expect, a house on the beach in Malibu offers very little privacy, your neighbors are all “glued” on you and that’s a big turn-off to me, but I loved the interiors and vistas of this house and that’s the reason I’m posting it. Would I pay the $ 12,750,000 they’re asking for? Probably not, but maybe I’d consider leasing it for the summer. I sure can picture myself walking on the sandy beach or just laying in bed listening to the waves crashing.

Loving contemporary or not, the interiors of this house is really worth to take a good look and the ocean views might even relax you a little. Enjoy!



What you’ll notice is that, even being a contemporary home, this place still feel warm and very comfortable.

Living Room

The living room is just beautiful! When you have the ocean this close, you can’t have “heavy” interiors or anything that “fights” with the view. Everything inside should be light and calm and allow the beautiful views in.

Open Space

Imagine having all the doors open and let the breeze in. This is very interesting and you should consider it in case you’re planning on building by the sea: these doors and windows are “Fleetwood”. These kind of windows and doors are not of simple aluminum which reacts poorly to the outdoor elements, particularly the salt air – they are finished with a Kynar armor silver coating, including all inner workings, which not only protects against corrosion but provides a clean aesthetic look. A winner in my opinion.


The white sofa and chairs are pure perfection by the blue ocean.


That rug reminds of the sand outside, the fireplace has bluestone granite and the hardwood flooring is a white oak that went through a three-step staining and sealing process to create its dark natural finish.

Office Area

A stylish corner used as an office.

Dining Area

I’m in love with that table!

Not Everything Is Perfect

If you read my blog for a while you know I post many different styles of houses, some I love, some I post to make notes and express my opinion about it. That way none of us gets tired of seeing the same old, same old. We see different things all the time, things that makes us analyze and discover things that we might not even know that we like. That’s essential to a make things interesting around here. Take this kitchen for example, this is a very expensive one, with thick bluestone granite countertops, high quality stainless steel built-in appliances, the kitchen cabinetry is a white oak that went through a three-step staining and sealing process to create its dark natural finish and the list goes on. It’s a great kitchen, but do I love it? No, I don’t. I’m staring to like contemporary homes, but whenever I get to the kitchen and see how cold they usually are, I simply start to rethink all the contemporary concept. Taste is something completely personal, of course. But I just wish they could make contemporary kitchens look more welcoming and less sterile. Besides, the backsplash seems to be missing here!

Cooking and Viewing

One thing I’d not complain is the views. Cooking with that kind of view would be amazing!

Master Bedroom

I love the views, of course! Those chairs on the patio are so sexy. What I don’t like here? The TVs! Why would you have two TVs in your bedroom when you have the peaceful ocean to look at?

Other View

The blinds are lutron controlled electric blind system and the wood burning and gas fireplace is made from Jerusalem stone.

To the Bathroom

The master bedroom is open to the master bathroom and the patio. This is stunning!

Master Bathroom

The tub and the floors are also made of Jerusalem stone, but who really cares about that? All that I care about is that view!


Wouldn’t you love take a bath while hearing the waves?

Guest Bedroom

I prefer the decor of this guest bedroom over the master. What about you?


The guest bedrooms are located on the lower level of the house.

The Other Guest Bedroom

Yet another beauty of the house. Really well dressed.

Conversation Area

Great place to have people over or just you and a nap by the sea.


Staring at the horizon…


I’d be inviting family and friends over to celebrate anything in this patio.


Let all stress melt away….

Just For Now

Forget anything is going on in this world… Just for now, imagine yourself on this beach, hearing the waves and feeling the warm breeze around you. The sun is setting and tomorrow will bring a better day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed not only this house, but also being here. I know I always say this, but I keep repeating myself because it’s really true, I’m honestly grateful for your presence here. I know that I don’t know many of you, haven’t heard of many of you yet, but knowing that you come here every day makes me feel that somehow I’m doing the right thing here. Yes, I do share my passion of interior design with you and I think we have that in common, right? I’m sure you also like seeing the houses and interiors and you dream with them, just like I do. Don’t you look at some places and picture it in a different way sometimes? Don’t you “play” designer by designing it in your mind? I do that all the time! But this blog is, hopefully, much more than a place to see beautiful places, it’s also a place where we share our thoughts and where I try to share some positivity about life with you. Because homes, spaces, things are great, but without life, everything is empty. This blog is just worth for me, if you can feel inspired by it. If you can feel inspired to improve your and your family’s quality of life by offering a home that’s comfortable for you or if you can feel inspired by whatever I share here with you, then, I honestly feel I’m accomplishing something positive.

And believe me, I feel inspired by you all the time. I feel inspired when I see that the number of people that visits my blog continues to grow every day, I feel inspired especially when you write to me, send me some posts ideas, when we talk on twitter or when you leave your comments here telling me what you think of what you see. All of that is what makes this place so alive and so worth for me to keep working hard to deliver the best I can do for you.

Wishing you a very blessed and happy day, because you really deserve it!


Luciane at HomeBunch.com

Hot Summer Prices! Get My Help with Interior Design: HB’s Design Service.

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Source: http://www.24420maliburoad.com

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